byneedleandthread: Tree for LJ
upstatelisa: a block for LauraJ
byneedleandthread: Block to replace LJ's missing row.
upstatelisa: My quilt is done!
upstatelisa: My quilt is done!
upstatelisa: Thanks Row 10!
upstatelisa: binding my row 10 quilt
upstatelisa: My Hand Quilted Row 10 Quilt As Seen With Hipstamatic
upstatelisa: more hand quilting on my row 10 quilt
Sødeste: Row 10 for LJ
upstatelisa: I have my quilt in a hoop
upstatelisa: not sure if I am crazy..
Sødeste: Approved by A
Sødeste: WIP Update Row10
calamity kim: row 10
Sødeste: Working on LJs Row10
calamity kim: finally finished the me block for Lu
byneedleandthread: Row10 for Anita
byneedleandthread: Mini Me for Row10 Lucinda
byneedleandthread: Row10 for Tine
byneedleandthread: Row10 for Lucinda
byneedleandthread: Row10 for Lucinda
calamity kim: me and sarah
calamity kim: Sarah and her new fabrics!
upstatelisa: Me block
calamity kim: so happy to have all 10! this quilt top makes my heart sing!
calamity kim: thank you Lu for the lovely flying gnome fairy!
calamity kim: done with Lucinda's row