Wanderingrid: Miraflores
auntsmack4u: my kinda scale!
scfar: something in the clouds-
scfar: Nikki all wet
scfar: The old and the new
scfar: watch the first step
Helena.Murphy: 13/30 Days of Gratitude - Grace, Forgiveness, Elegance
krispycrunch6: STOP!!!!
Helena.Murphy: 12/30 Days of Gratitude - Acceptance of Struggle
Helena.Murphy: Hope and Good Fortune - 9/30 Days of Gratitude
Helena.Murphy: The Beginnings of Spring 8/30 Days Of Gratitude
Helena.Murphy: Music - 7/30 Days of Gratitude
Helena.Murphy: My Ma - 6/30 Days of Gratitude
Helena.Murphy: 5/30 Days of Gratitude - Self Discovery
Helena.Murphy: The Sewing Corner 4/30 Days of Gratitude
nightshooter09: "You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die." ~ Dame Cicely Saunders
nightshooter09: "If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is "thank you," that would suffice." ~ Meister Eckhart
HDC Photography: Welcome Home Soldier
Helena.Murphy: Literature - 3/30 Days of Gratitude
Helena.Murphy: Gratitude 2/30 Days of Gratitude
Puur: i n s p i r e d
Helena.Murphy: Self Expression 1/30 - Days of Gratitude
Elena Bertolo: 30 Days Of Life Support - My Spirit - You Can Kill The Body But Not The Spirit.
Elena Bertolo: 30 Days Of Life Support - My Skin - There Is A Girl That Hides Beneath
chai*: Still have one more day...
Julia Goss Photography: You just can't measure love
Elena Bertolo: 30 Days of Life Support - Privacy - I Love to Be Alone Sometimes. I Never Found a Companion That Was So Companionable As Solitude.
{.erika.}: Anything in Sweet & Sour Sauce is just good &