Ben Pillen Photography: Wagashi (balloon flower)
Helen Silivren: sakura petal jelly
Helen Silivren: sakura yokan
Rustic Hut Designs by Michael Ricci: Hitsugi Wagashi 羊 和菓子
Helen Silivren: Yomogi daifuku/蓬大福
Helen Silivren: sakura panna cotta
Helen Silivren: ichigo daifuku
Helen Silivren: hydrangea wagashi
Helen Silivren: green ume plum wagashi
Helen Silivren: iris wagashi
Seb Ian: Yokan Japanese Confectionery
Seb Ian: Japanese confectionery - Wagashi
Rustic Hut Designs by Michael Ricci: Spring Chick Wagashi.JPG
Rustic Hut Designs by Michael Ricci: Dreaming of Spring-Wagashi_tea sweet
Soros @不囸: 橡皮泥和菓子.Fake wagashi with plasticene.
Soros @不囸: 可可羊羹
Soros @不囸: 菊姬,初级版。
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