òxygen: maia
òxygen: maia
kgorka: La isla bonita
Zita Kamugira: Marcelo
kgorka: Brisas de Otoño
Fernando W: Barcelona
rizal_rodelas: Mysterious and chalenging...
Shaheed's Photography: MNBC Eid Hadhiyaa Show 2010
Shaheed's Photography: Sunset of Maldives
judie uffe: highway disco
rizal_rodelas: Anchorage...
kgorka: Nube viajera
rizal_rodelas: "You are here on Earth to serve"
rizal_rodelas: Tree things in LIFE, must not be lost...Peace,Hope and Honesty!
rizal_rodelas: When nothing makes sense and you are confused or frustrated....God has the answer.!
rizal_rodelas: A true friend looks out for you !
rizal_rodelas: Light of the world...
rizal_rodelas: The Actions of LOve...
Zita Kamugira: MÉXICO
rizal_rodelas: We will flee temptation...
rizal_rodelas: Love does not rejoice in iniquity...
rizal_rodelas: The Promise of Marriage...
Damien Dray: Old Trucks
rizal_rodelas: Love hopes all things...
Zita Kamugira: Lélè da Cuca
Damien Dray: Normanville
Damien Dray: Grange Jetty