Di Dolls: Wendy and box
Di Dolls: Wendy and box
Howll: Sindy/Petra
Jacalls: "What A Sweet Little Dog."
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi Neon
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi Neon
poly-ester: made trev out of the show 'this is england ,its a clone sindy some real sindy clothes think there from sindys pony years now shes a punk :) sindy docs too ;)
poly-ester: made trev out of the show 'this is england ,its a clone sindy some real sindy clothes think there from sindys pony years now shes a punk :) sindy docs too ;)
poly-ester: made trev out of the show 'this is england ,its a clone sindy some real sindy clothes think there from sindys pony years now shes a punk :) sindy docs too ;)
poly-ester: made trev out of the show 'this is england ,its a clone sindy some real sindy clothes think there from sindys pony years now shes a punk :) sindy docs too ;)
poly-ester: made trev out of the show 'this is england ,its a clone sindy some real sindy clothes think there from sindys pony years now shes a punk :) sindy docs too ;)
smirkybecca: Madeleifje doll
smirkybecca: Madeleifje doll
Gisele Teresinha: Susi - anos 60
Gisele Teresinha: Susi - anos 60
Gisele Teresinha: Susi pronta para dormir
Gisele Teresinha: Susi - anos 60
Gisele Teresinha: Susi - anos 60
Gisele Teresinha: Susi - anos 60
Gisele Teresinha: Susi - anos 60
Gisele Teresinha: Susi Noiva
newtobe: fairy princess sindy
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi América
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi América
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi Ti Ti Ti
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi no Alvo da Moda!
AnnaAlmeidaDolls: Susi no Alvo da Moda!