Ratte Populaire: formes fomentarius / hoof fungus
Ratte Populaire: Piptoporus Betulinus
Ratte Populaire: cute bracket fungus
LPJC: Nursery web spider with eggs
benwmbc: European Hornet - (Vespa crabro)
benwmbc: Orange-tip Butterflies - (Anthocharis cardamines)
benwmbc: Mating Orange-tip Butterflies - (Anthocharis cardamines)
benwmbc: Orange-tip Butterfly - (Anthocharis cardamines)
benwmbc: Orange-tip Butterfly - (Anthocharis cardamines)
benwmbc: Brimstone Butterflies - (Gonepteryx rhamni)
benwmbc: Orange-tip Butterfly - (Anthocharis cardamines)
benwmbc: Willesley Church
LPJC: Holly blue on Great willow herb (female from second brood)
LPJC: Insect (yet another unidentified one - also probably ichneumon of some sort)
LPJC: Insect (yet another unidentified one - see comment below)
LPJC: Spider (Araneus quadratus)
LPJC: A huddle of Ladybirds
benwmbc: European Hornet - (Vespa Crabro)
benwmbc: Gatekeeper Butterfly - (Pyronia tithonus)
benwmbc: Small Skipper - (Thymelicus sylvestris)
LPJC: Golden-bloomed grey longhorn beetle
benwmbc: Large Skipper Butterfly - (Ochlodes sylvanus)
LPJC: Orange tip butterfly - female
LPJC: Banded demoiselle
benwmbc: Chimney Sweeper Moth - (Odezia atrata)
benwmbc: Gold Swift Moth - (Hepialus hecta)
benwmbc: Large Skipper Butterfly - (Ochlodes sylvanus)
LPJC: Large red damselfly
LPJC: Ladybird (2-spot)
benwmbc: Peacock Butterfly - (Inachis io)