dolly doolittle: Evening in June
dolly doolittle: Evening in June
dolly doolittle: Evening in June
dolly doolittle: late bloomer
dolly doolittle: late bloomer
dolly doolittle: late bloomer
dolly doolittle: late bloomer (last)
dolly doolittle: miss dolly + tellus
dolly doolittle: miss dolly + tellus (first)
Val-GG (aka: DollieLuvR-Valerie): "Brena LOOOVES Plumies!!"...Re-Vision!
Blythesighted: Well it's time for Poppy & Bindi to dust off their antlers and get out the prezzies!!!
Blythesighted: These two girls are very DEER to each other!
Blythesighted: Counting down the sleeps till that special day!
Blythesighted: Merry Christmas from Poppy & Bindi!
Mixi Michi: Soft Orange
Blythesighted: Blossom ... my little Goldie Locks!!
Blythesighted: Bliss loving her new Mimsy Bear Helmet!
Blythesighted: Eloise....My shining Star!!
TachaDoll - - -✂ Gone: Charles looking all fancy
TachaDoll - - -✂ Gone: Little George loves her new outfit as well.
TachaDoll - - -✂ Gone: 'Don't forget to show my fancy shoes!'
I_love_George: Saffron
lollygomez, yo!: It's Ruse!
lollygomez, yo!: Romy ♥
I_love_George: Foxglove
libbalu: adad 43/365 - scout poses with DH's VD present
libbalu: adad 42/365 - I know this is fuzzy, but I am obsessed with it.
libbalu: adad 36/365 - not sold on the bod