DaveCzGrLk: Royal Catchfly - Silene regia - Caryophyllaceae: Pink family
DaveCzGrLk: Dutchmans-breeches - Dicentra cucullaria - Fumariaceae: Fumitory family
DaveCzGrLk: Cut-Leaved Toothwort - Cardamine concatenata - Brassicaceae: Mustard family
sturejo: Mollestad-eika
tombrewster6154: IMG_7368
tombrewster6154: IMG_0172
tombrewster6154: IMG_2482
gsg241147: New Forest Pond revels in the frost
tombrewster6154: IMG_7052
DaveCzGrLk: Deptford Pink - Dianthus armeria - Caryophyllaceae: Pink family
DaveCzGrLk: Bunchberry - Cornus canadensis - Dogwood : Cornaceae Family
tombrewster6154: IMG_7422
tombrewster6154: IMG_3938
sturejo: Frozen sunlight
DaveCzGrLk: Leather-leaf - Chamaedaphne calyculata - Ericaceae: Heath family
sturejo: Hazy shades of winter
sturejo: Frozen shades of winter
tombrewster6154: IMG_8156 feb13 2021
gsg241147: Porcelain Fungus
sturejo: In the dark
sturejo: Happy feet
sturejo: Slick golf hole
sturejo: Frozen puddle
tombrewster6154: OrangeLily WestonMA EarlyJuly2017
tombrewster6154: DSCN2895
DaveCzGrLk: Johnny Jump-Up - Viola tricolor - Violaceae: Violet family
tombrewster6154: DSCN4951
tombrewster6154: IMG_0197
tombrewster6154: IMG_9154
tombrewster6154: IMG_1875