Forbes_Bruce: Whitebenches
Forbes_Bruce: French house
Forbes_Bruce: 8BrockCorn
Forbes_Bruce: 9Talmage
Forbes_Bruce: stairs
Forbes_Bruce: 13SewardPrivate
Atkins Photos: US Bank
Atkins Photos: alley-b:w
Atkins Photos: gargoyles
Atkins Photos: gargoyle3
pinkborealis: Pink Path
pinkborealis: Midnight Leaves
pinkborealis: Rosy Leaves
pinkborealis: Altered Cave
pinkborealis: Rusty Car
pinkborealis: Green Sky
chris874him: wires2
chris874him: wires3
chris874him: altered land
doc will: Windpower Is Not Without Cost
nocoastphotos: Abandoned Train Car, near West Point, Nebraska
nocoastphotos: Bank, Malmo, Nebraska
nocoastphotos: Picnic Table, Copper Mountain, Colorado
nocoastphotos: Fuselage on the Railway, near Hyannis, Nebraska
Atkins Photos: North of Lincoln
Atkins Photos: Capitol Building
Atkins Photos: Railroad Yard
Atkins Photos: Lincoln High School
Nebraska Farm Boy: Real Nebraska