MountainMan5000: Just passing through -
Annas Majlam: The more phytoplankton in the water, the greener it is. The bluer the lesser.
MountainMan5000: Bath Time for Bluejays
Annas Majlam: She hides herself in some place deep inside because the last thing she wants is pity.
Annas Majlam: A brown widow does messy tangle and irregular web
Annas Majlam: A very matured widow with red hourglass
Annas Majlam: A brown widow with a light tan abdomen and distinct markings guarding its eggs - It builds its nest inside a VOLVO under an exit door bottom bracket.
Annas Majlam: A brown widow's nest
MountainMan5000: Larger Bird Bath Required
girltwin: Gray Jay
girltwin: Evening Grosbeak at -10
girltwin: House Finch Male
girltwin: Downy WP Male
girltwin: Common Redpoll Fort Collins 2013
girltwin: Peregrine Falcon
MountainMan5000: Hawk Visit
MountainMan5000: American Bald Eagle
MountainMan5000: Strike Eagle
alessandrofnunes: Rio de La Plata, Montevideo - Uruguay
alessandrofnunes: Museum Juan Manuel Blanes
alessandrofnunes: Sunset Rio de La Plata, Montevideo - Uruguay
alessandrofnunes: Paseo D Los Angeles
alessandrofnunes: Caminito, Buenos Aires - Argentina
alessandrofnunes: Caminito, Buenos Aires - Argentina
alessandrofnunes: Pauline St., Sanctuary.
alessandrofnunes: Pomerode
MountainMan5000: Osprey Attack
MountainMan5000: Bald Eagle in the Wild