roamlog: A Little Boy
roamlog: Rollei Girl
roamlog: 祖孙俩
roamlog: A Girl Named Sandy
roamlog: 大叔
roamlog: 可爱的老头在唱戏
roamlog: A Girl Named Sandy
roamlog: 小正太在吃饭
roamlog: My best Friend Stephen Zhang's girl friend
roamlog: My best Friend Stephen Zhang and his girl friend
roamlog: mm 亲密接触
roamlog: 汉拿山烤肉
roamlog: 汉拿山烤肉
roamlog: 一同去扫街的两 mm
roamlog: 2 girls and 1 camera
roamlog: 一对新人
roamlog: 土豪
roamlog: 老爷爷正在看报
roamlog: 董家渡扫街
roamlog: 拍与被拍
roamlog: 晒太阳的大爷
roamlog: 钱坤饮食店
roamlog: 董家渡扫街
roamlog: 董家渡扫街
roamlog: 董家渡扫街
roamlog: 两外国小妞
roamlog: cloth store | 布料摊
roamlog: 夕阳 | sunset
Buou: earrings