Herr Norbù: Natale 2014 (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Herr Norbù: Spalmato
Herr Norbù: Divagazioni sulla fotografia
Herr Norbù: Foto o Pittura?
Herr Norbù: Macchia sfumata
Herr Norbù: MP3 effetti natura
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-31: Trick or treat?
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-30: Beer, Fridge.
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-28: Discovery
MADinMelbourne: StarSkin Orange
MADinMelbourne: deadcrow
MADinMelbourne: kangaroo paw
MADinMelbourne: miniature kangaroo paw
MADinMelbourne: LIGHT of day
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-27: Mother Hen
MADinMelbourne: tackytackytackyy
MADinMelbourne: a pic at the pics
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-26: Gentlemen prefer blondes
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-25: Empties
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-24: Afraid of the dark?
MADinMelbourne: Light at the end of the tunnel
MADinMelbourne: glassvase
MADinMelbourne: fireplacetoycammed
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-23: Every Wych way
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-22: The Beer Cellar
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-20: Search for a star
Cygnus-X1: 2009-10-19: One bourbon, one scotch & one beer?
MADinMelbourne: g1 close up of a ceramic sculpture
MADinMelbourne: sitting up straight
MADinMelbourne: brick in the wall