Corrosivo Carsal: ❖❖Aturdidora❖❖
Corrosivo Carsal: //////ESPERANZA\\\\\\\\\\
Corrosivo Carsal: -------LN
Christopher Wallace: Kazıklı Voyvoda
Roymundo VII: Ted Kaczynski
Corrosivo Carsal: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
mister nothing: JD in the house
Blain Peckmann: Myles_banana
- Hak -: ZodiHak Killer
JG50: John Wayne Gacy - Mrs. Bates
: Ian Brady and Myra Hindley
: Ricardo 'Richard' Muñoz Ramírez
: Charles Starkweather and Caril Fugate
: Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer
keef59: Danny Rolling envelope for 2 page letter 12-14-06
juliencastres: Let's clean
keef59: Creepy guy drawing by Henry Lee Lucas
keef59: from the collection of Merle C Allin
Roymundo VII: J.F.K.
Roymundo VII: Charles Manson
KevinBee: There will be no sleep in Bethlehem tonight
Blain Peckmann: stone cold