greensteves: Bird in the Berries
greensteves: Ripples and Reflections
greensteves: Berry Feast
greensteves: Pathway to the Light
greensteves: Wood Duck
greensteves: Townsend's Warbler
greensteves: Monarch and Red Escallonia
greensteves: Sunrise Over Heather Farm Pond
greensteves: Before the Rain...
greensteves: Monarch and White Escallonia
greensteves: Pipevine Swallowtail
TJ Gehling: Bee, fly and aster
TJ Gehling: Hover fly on Pacific aster
greensteves: Sky Dancers
greensteves: Killdeer in Flight - 2
greensteves: Killdeer in Flight - 1
TJ Gehling: Mantis religiosa
TJ Gehling: Papilio zelicaon
TJ Gehling: Toxomerus occidentalis
coreyc23: Golden eagle feasting in Coyote Hills (EBRPD)
TJ Gehling: Hairstreak on buckwheat
greensteves: Sky and Mountain
TJ Gehling: Stiletto fly
greensteves: Bee in Catmint
greensteves: Evening Hoot
TJ Gehling: Hairstreak on (under) buckwheat
greensteves: Keeping Watch
TJ Gehling: A bit of color
greensteves: Sunrise over Heather Farm Pond
greensteves: Painted Lady