Sea Moon: Menthol Ring Patterns
Sea Moon: Menthol Rings, Spontaneously Formed
Sea Moon: Borax Dendrites
jamelikat: not an experiment
Peet de Rouw: Windy night
Burlingamebarley: HAPPY HOLIDAYS
someHerrings: Thermal Alteration of Calcite Luminescence (MAPP Torch) - UVa
someHerrings: Synthetic Fluorescent Mineral: Alkali Halide ~ Novaite - UV
olivelinton: Aspirin crystals
olivelinton: Citric acid
harrymorry09: Chemical Industry developments
bigstrontium: Korkstopfen
Sea Moon: Sulfur Crystals , Lab Grown
Peet de Rouw: Botlek_panorama
Peet de Rouw: Remake/Re-model
jamelikat: i dream of lab
Sea Moon: Silicate Growth 1
Telefontubbie: Dexter_goes_krazy
gwhiteway: The stuff you put on your French Fries... in the diluted form
gwhiteway: Drinkology
gwhiteway: Potassium permanganate and glycerol reaction
gwhiteway: Drinkology
gwhiteway: Combustion reaction
tojodro: Star Stuff: Copper (II) Acetate Monohydrate Crystal
someHerrings: Phosfluorescent Flat Panel Lamp : WL
Sea Moon: Titanium Crystals
Sea Moon: Menthol Bullseyes
someHerrings: "Ancient Star Light" : PHOS