The Real Devil Doll: The sun sets on 2011
The Real Devil Doll: Howdy, neighbor
The Real Devil Doll: Red light district
imajane: Golden light with Scotts tree
rjskwctm78: hosta
rjskwctm78: Guard Duty... Score... Squirrels 4,876... Lucky Dawg... 2
rjskwctm78: Garlic Chives post edit (IOS photo)
originalelmo: Sunrise over the orchard
ToddG58: Water Drops on Geraniums
imajane: Two Kereru in bamboo
originalelmo: Bluebird
originalelmo: Spring Amaryllis, off our front porch
originalelmo: Bull Moose, off our front porch - Alaska 1990
nimrodcooper: ha'penny sparrow
crelison: Morning Mist In Web Reflective Droplets - IMG_5251PM
crelison: Hummingbirds and House Finch - IMG_9452PM
crelison: Sunrise Anaheim Bay, Seal Beach, CA IMG_4914pm1
Benji Whitehead: Pondering
crelison: IMG_4713 pm
NCinDC: View from Belle Grove
crelison: IMG_3866 - Version 2
crelison: IMG_3565
crelison: IMG_2638
crelison: IMG_3850
crelison: IMG_3581
crelison: Navy ship on a foggy morning
originalelmo: Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
originalelmo: our work trucks in the orchard
originalelmo: excited about their new home