norwood unleashed: Created with Wood Camera
norwood unleashed: Norwood Running the trail around Gates Pond
norwood unleashed: Snowshoeing on the Charm Bracelet Trail today. Skies were brilliant
norwood unleashed: I think someone really loves snow!
fcsuper: Grist Mill
fcsuper: Stone steps at Grist Mill
fcsuper: Duff, leaves and autumn colors
fcsuper: 20121020_113949
fcsuper: 20121020_114023
fcsuper: Tree at Grist Mill II
fcsuper: Tree at Grist Mill
fcsuper: Stone mills
fcsuper: 20121020_103323
fcsuper: Grist Mill
fcsuper: Spooky trees
Mező, Kornél (mostly away): Feels Like a Looong Time Ago
Deb Ebbeling: The Long Winter
K.Lynch: IMG_1880a
Deb Ebbeling: He does it again :)
fcsuper: Southborough camouflaged fire hydrant II
fcsuper: Southborough camouflaged fire hydrant I
fcsuper: Forest
fcsuper: Forest at Stonegate II (colorized)
fcsuper: Forest at Stonegate I
fcsuper: Westward Track
fcsuper: Eastward Track (highly colorized)