robpipe: Lobster Boy
robpipe: Lobster boat in Bar Harbor
robpipe: Bar Harbour
robpipe: IMG_8336.jpg
robpipe: IMG_8335.jpg
robpipe: Diver Ed
Sparky 8314: Acadia Trip 125
Sparky 8314: Acadia Trip 165
Sparky 8314: Acadia Trip 166
Sparky 8314: Acadia Trip 180
mattbaya: Push Him In!
mattbaya: Diver Ed - A view from the surface
mattbaya: About to go below
mattbaya: Returning from below
mattbaya: Watching him come back on board
mattbaya: He's coming back up!
mattbaya: IMG_1868
mattbaya: IMG_1864
mattbaya: IMG_1880
mattbaya: IMG_1869
mattbaya: IMG_1881
mattbaya: IMG_1872
mattbaya: IMG_1890
mattbaya: IMG_1893
mattbaya: IMG_1888
mattbaya: IMG_1895
mattbaya: IMG_1914
mattbaya: IMG_1896
mattbaya: IMG_1930
mattbaya: How to check the gender of a Lobster