delta23lfb: Blues and Royals
delta23lfb: Major General, Household Division.
delta23lfb: Eagle Parade
delta23lfb: Captured French Eagle
delta23lfb: Eagle Parade
delta23lfb: Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall,London
kemoc59: Life Guards-The Mall SW1
kemoc59: The Blues and Royals,Horse Guards SW1
kemoc59: Cpl of Horse The Blues and Royals, Whitehall SW1
Claire E Williamson: White Horse
stusmith_uk: horseguards
stusmith_uk: horseguards
stusmith_uk: horseguards
stusmith_uk: horseguards
stusmith_uk: horseguards
kemoc59: Spur Rd SW1
kemoc59: Spur Rd SW1 3
stusmith_uk: horseguards
Maplegum65: Horse Guards parade, London.
stusmith_uk: horseguards
RUM OWD DEW: Just hanging on!
RUM OWD DEW: "Prepare for Combat" (Nike quote) (see next pic)
RUM OWD DEW: "The only one who can tell you "you can't" is you" (Nike quote)
stusmith_uk: horseguards
stusmith_uk: horseguards
stusmith_uk: horseguards
kemoc59: Blues&Royals,Hyde Park W2
kemoc59: Major Generals Inspection Hyde Park SW7
kemoc59: Major Generals Inspection Hyde Park SW7 (5)