Don Pedro de Carrion de los Condes !: Roerei-met-gerookte-zalm-op-toast
harry de haan, the cameraman: "left overs" omelette ----IMG-5849
harry de haan, the cameraman: breakfast --- IMG-5369
harry de haan, the cameraman: Fried Rice 4-1 -------IMG-5670
Don Pedro de Carrion de los Condes !: stamppot-boerenkool-met-worst-en-spekjes
harry de haan, the cameraman: omelette with ham and beansprouts ---- IMG-0579
harry de haan, the cameraman: shape made up of a curved line.------------ IMG_20190714_132930
Don Pedro de Carrion de los Condes !: Kippenbouillon-met-noedels
harry de haan, the cameraman: breakast on the deck -----IMG-5371
Don Pedro de Carrion de los Condes !: stamppot-boerenkool-met-worst
harry de haan, the cameraman: breakfast on the deck--- IMG-4202
Don Pedro de Carrion de los Condes !: Stamppot-zuurkool-met-worst-en-zuurkoolspek
harry de haan, the cameraman: mussels and chips ---- IMG-4473
harry de haan, the cameraman: breakfast on the deck ---- IMG-4960
harry de haan, the cameraman: strawberries -----IMG_20180724_093053_2
一期一会一枚: 大山拉麺
一期一会一枚: Quatuor Tempora
harry de haan, the cameraman: Big Breakfast -----IMG-4648
harry de haan, the cameraman: fried rice ----- IMG-4481