buidl-lemmy: .. and Walter? Getting up, check the cold and muddy world outside?
buidl-lemmy: Well Sebulba how about going outside? / Hey Sebulba, wie wär es mit rausgehen?
Dane Van: Edit -1-6
buidl-lemmy: Open wide --- and say AAAAH
Praveen Banneka: IMG_20190613_145540
EmperorNorton47: Aphrodite "roars"
Dane Van: Edit -1-23
Dane Van: Edit -1-4
Praveen Banneka: Mother's love
BardickMusic: Moz in the Garden
PVJ Photography 2012: Puss Puss (P)
PVJ Photography 2012: Puss Puss (P)
Dane Van: Edit -1-12
lizlio: "Stevie" dental examination (photo credit Andrea)
wobblybob1966: fullsizeoutput_204f
Dane Van: Edit -1-4
Dane Van: Edit -1-11
Dane Van: Edit -1-26
juliatatiana.holmgren: This is a BIG yawn
Nadia1993_: IMG_7266
PVJ Photography 2012: Puss Puss (J)
sffubs: IMG_6538
Wild Birdy: MEOW!!
Nadia1993_: 2015-11-24_06-37-19
MCFC Day: Sophie yawning
MCFC Day: Sophie yawning
aqugacosmo: Sleepy...