Thomas Hawk: SFPD
roijoy: SF MUNI
Thomas Hawk: Bored
bhautik_joshi: verge premises
bhautik_joshi: motionlessly chines champertous meliorations
bhautik_joshi: migrainous overfall
bhautik_joshi: chamois freedom
bhautik_joshi: stilettoing dread
bhautik_joshi: estrange vertebras
bhautik_joshi: commemorated serenade
bhautik_joshi: the wing was indented
bhautik_joshi: unsmirched setters
Thomas Hawk: Muni
bhautik_joshi: water-ski franks
bhautik_joshi: conferred pastries
bhautik_joshi: righteous cheating
bhautik_joshi: exhaling graffito
bhautik_joshi: dehumanizing coastlines
bhautik_joshi: peace gauntly fracturing
bhautik_joshi: outstood misspellings
Rex Mandel: M Ocean View Streetcar, San Francisco Municipal Railway - San Francisco, CA
bhautik_joshi: harrows terrarium
bhautik_joshi: occlusive gods
bhautik_joshi: evites hackbut
bhautik_joshi: lingering ptarmigans
bhautik_joshi: the striper was enchanted
bhautik_joshi: unvoices ghosts
bhautik_joshi: the maturity was designed
BECK17: Muni, San Franciscco