joelschalit: Good heads are hard to find. Brussels, April 2015.
joelschalit: Didn't arrive by car. Schaerbeek, September 2016.
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: “There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.”
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: “A Happy Marriage is the union of two good forgivers.”
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” (1)
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.”
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: The great thing about marriage is that it creates trust, the most precious of things
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Read more_ https___www.spiritbutton.com_marriage-quotes_#ixzz5flIjHbPB
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: "Marriage is a promise. Not just between the couple but to the community at large, to generations past and to those yet to be born."
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: "Don't let your money or business decisions when you get married. Even if you have less money. Trust Allah! He will give you the Barakah you need."
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: _Marry a man who fears Allah so he will treat you right because of his fear of Allah._
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: A woman dreams of a perfect Husband… A man dreams of a perfect Wife.. But they don’t realize that Allah created them to complete on another.. (1)
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: A righteous wife can make a poor man feel like a king.
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: When married couple pray together, the share an intimacy that con not be created by any other means, that feeling is amazing. (1)
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: In Islamic history, women participated in government, public affairs, lawmaking, scholarship, and teaching. To continue to uphold this tradition, women are encouraged to actively parti
joelschalit: Guarding city hall. Torino, September 2011.
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: Marry someone who has devoted their every breath to Allâh! {ﷻ}. Their every heart beat. And I promise, you will be the happiest of people...
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: Marry someone whose every action reminds you of Allâh! {ﷻ}. Their behaviour. Their character. Their speech. Their thinking. Their dress sense. Their existence...
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: You'll eventually find yourself, I promise.
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: A wife and a husband should be regarded as friends for the sake of Allah, and that friendship is above material needs; each encouraging the other one to do good deeds, which are pl (1)
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything. No secret and No lies.
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: _A Man Who Treats His Woman Like A Princess Is A Proof That He Has Been Born And Raised In The Arms Of The Queen... _
MubarakRishtey - Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad: Marriage is a promise. Not just between the couple but to the community at large, to generations past and to those yet to be born. (1)