seamusandpat: Spotted flycatcher - Muscicapa Striata
ericy202: Meadow Pipit 21.9.24
seamusandpat: Spotted Redshank - Tringa Erythropus
NickWakeling: Wheatear
ericy202: Green Sandpiper 20.9.24
ericy202: Black-winged Stilt 20.9.24
ericy202: juv female Ringed Plover (record) 20.9.24
seamusandpat: Blue tit - Cyanistes Caeruleus
ericy202: Sanderling A + Juv 19.9.24
ericy202: Juvenile Sanderlings 19.9.24
ericy202: Ringed Plovers 19.9.24
NickWakeling: Greenshank
seamusandpat: Pied flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca
ericy202: Waders @ dawn 18.9.24
ericy202: Standing Tall 18.9.24
ericy202: crop of "among the Dunlin" 18.9.24
Nick Goodrum Photography: ringed little egret alongside a great egret
ericy202: Green Sandpiper 17.9.24
billblakemore: Black-tailed Godwit
leschap: Green sandpiper
leschap: Golden plover
leschap: Little egret with cattle egrets
NickWakeling: Snow Bunting
ericy202: Ruff 5.9.24
ericy202: Ruff 5.9.24
ericy202: Avocets 15.9.24
NickWakeling: Spotted Flycatcher
ericy202: GWE & LE fishing 15.9.24