ab web publication: Monument to the painter Repin (Fake-IR mit S-Kurve)
dmontron: Shawl Lizard
dmontron: 91.2014
dmontron: Monday Coffee
dmontron: 77.2014
ab web publication: Urban landscape #1
ab web publication: Urban landscape #3
dmontron: Sky through tree
ab web publication: Good to all, dark night...
dmontron: someone's Valentine Day ride
dmontron: aquarium guard kitty
ab web publication: Большой Кисловский переулок, 4с1
ab web publication: Кариатиды (Б.Кисловский пер-к, 4с2)
ab web publication: Сфинкс усадьбы В.А.Морозовой (на Воздвиженке)
ab web publication: Городская усадьба Я.П.Шаховского - И.И.Краузе - Осиповсих (фрагмент лепнины)
dmontron: Fire... On a cold day...
ab web publication: Признаки НГ на Тульской (картинка вторая)
ab web publication: Блики
maybeairline: 0130 Mars?
dmontron: Tractor filling
dmontron: Sunday Coffee
dmontron: Interesting advertising...
dmontron: Bus Seats
dmontron: Filters and layers!
dmontron: Looks like it's cold/flu time!
maybeairline: Toulon Voiles de Légende
cmputrbluu: Incoming Rain
cmputrbluu: I'll Follow The Sun
cmputrbluu: NYC shooter
cmputrbluu: Outdoor Crunch