ahama: Let's knit socks!
Virgínia Otten: novos livros em casa
trosper31: Books for October
lisaclarke: 365 day 209 - Latest yummy reading materials
Tea at Weasel's: New Crochet Book
pokkuru.: 1/365
lisaclarke: 365 day 36 - I left the store with a quenched thirst and an Artful Blogging magazine
lisaclarke: Winter Day 1 - A day for rest
lisaclarke: Gratitude Day 9: A healthy supply of inspiring reading material
lisaclarke: 356/365 + Picture Fall Day 12: Take Some Time Out
lisaclarke: 304/365
lisaclarke: 258/365
Jazmin AL: IMG_4181-1
The Hamster Factor: 312/365 [Cooking Timer]
lisaclarke: I wonder...
lisaclarke: My current reading list
trosper31: 173:365
CraftyGoat: My Book Pile
lisaclarke: The book pile