Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: The Grand Central Hotel - Lithgow NSW
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: NSW Fire & Rescue Station - Lithgow NSW - built 1915 - see below
dicktay2000: Lithgow
Buddy Patrick: The James Street Underbridge (Lithgow, New South Wales)
dunedoo: Lithgow Hotel, Lithgow, NSW.
Simon "Turtle": ZigZagRailway
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: Marrangaroo Heritage Railway Viaducts
alanwingtech: ...and one more with a hola hoop
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: Wall Art by "Portland WallNuts" in Portland NSW
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: Silo Art at "The Foundations" in Portland NSW - Artist - Guido Van Helten - see below
Paul Leader - Paulie's Time Off Photography: Imperial Hotel, Portland NSW - Est. 1907
fetscherm: Plant Control Room Wallerawang C
fetscherm: Wallerawang C
fetscherm: Wallerawang C 12/5/18
fetscherm: Wallerawang5
fetscherm: Wallerawang6
Priz_Matik: Fire & Brimstone
fetscherm: Wallerawang4
fetscherm: Wallerawang3a
fetscherm: Wallerawang3
MHNSW - State Archives Collection: Zig Zag looking west from under No.1 viaduct
fetscherm: Remains of old Lithgow Pottery Works
fetscherm: Old Lithgow Pottery Works
Priz_Matik: Cold Fire
michaelrua: zig zag
fetscherm: The Power Makers
highplains68: Locos off 4843 draw forward to shunt into Old Yard
highplains68: Marrangaroo momentum
dicktay2000: Lithgow 1962
Peta Jade: Blast Furnace Park