SergeyKD: anther frame on Venezia
SergeyKD: ordinary Venezia
SergeyKD: can we frame Venezia ... ?
Umberto Lucarelli: Pagani 2024
Umberto Lucarelli: Time for presentations
tadaoo: Find your angle…
tadaoo: Walking on the moons…
SergeyKD: Boston ocean Walk
SergeyKD: balance of diffent Dynamics
Umberto Lucarelli: Reasoning and thinking
Postcards from Canada: 2011, Toronto — Painted Wall
Postcards from Canada: 2012, Parkdale — Preserved Tomatoes
Umberto Lucarelli: Folder exchange (in Explore 16.03.2024)
Don Springer: 09-17-0122_DxO
Don Springer: 02-06-90 Gambe' Game 16th & Chestnut