mirko.capitani: Peccioli
mirko.capitani: Pietra di Bismantova
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C0947 A very old Bullsnake (Pituophis catinefer sayi)
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C0524 Blue bonnets and Evening primrose
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C7249 Sound is a big part of the experience out there.
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: 137a Great Egret Ardea alba
mirko.capitani: Tramonto sul mare
mirko.capitani: Nel Bosco
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: 742a Great blue heron (Ardea herodias) Watching a Red-tailed hawk
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: 743a Great blue heron (Ardea herodias) Watching a Red-tailed hawk overhead
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: 432a Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C3064 canada goose (brief attempted landing)
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C8205 diving. Its what buffleheads do.
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: 867a diving. Its what buffleheads do.
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: 866a diving. Its what buffleheads do.
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C8426 freezing rain
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C8344 todays theme: ice
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C8343 todays theme: ice
mirko.capitani: Volterra Rocca
https://photography-eight.vercel.app: A29C8394 we know what they are thinking.
mirko.capitani: Radicofani Castello entrata volto
arxabin: Medusa