Dennis S. Photography: Our last full sunshine day (date ?)
Dennis S. Photography: 300mm & EOS 3
Dennis S. Photography: Another "beautiful day in paradise"
Dennis S. Photography: Doing a 300mm
Dennis S. Photography: Along Robson
Dennis S. Photography: Temple in East Van.
Dennis S. Photography: Ravaged tree shadow
Dennis S. Photography: New camera old lens (Canon EOS 3)
Dennis S. Photography: New camera old lens (Canon EOS 3)
Dennis S. Photography: Different night & lens, same brand of film
Dennis S. Photography: Burnaby @ night photoshopped
Tom Wiebe: I preferred last Friday to this [Explored Feb 10, 2012]
Jonathan Teapot: Woman reading in a fountain
Jonathan Teapot: Hayley 1
Dennis S. Photography: Macro in the rain
Dennis S. Photography: Liking my scanner options
Dennis S. Photography: Size check TIFF
Dennis S. Photography: Kentmere 100 (Ei50) 1-50 Blaznl o2037.tif
Dennis S. Photography: Kentmere 100 (Ei50) 1-50 Blaznl o2028
Airchinapilot: Robson Square - Solaris
Airchinapilot: Drink Responsiblah
Dennis S. Photography: Love the bokeh I get with this lens
Dennis S. Photography: Which end do I start at ?
Dennis S. Photography: Flowers again
Dennis S. Photography: Yep a flower
Tom Wiebe: The Primeval Forest [Explored, September 7, 2011]
Michael Kalus: Summer Stroll with Parasol
Michael Kalus: Picnic
Airchinapilot: Vancouver - Four Corners Ferrania-6