Gord Lawton: GWL_9292
Gord Lawton: GWL_6700
Gord Lawton: GWL_6656
Gord Lawton: Blue Jay
Michael-N: Goderich Railway Station, Then and Now
Gord Lawton: It's not winter yet.
Gord Lawton: Snow on the Wingham trail.
Michael-N: Lockheed CC-130H Hercules
Gord Lawton: Golden
Gord Lawton: A carpet of leaves
Gord Lawton: Enter the forest
Gord Lawton: Creek LIne
Gord Lawton: October reflections
Gord Lawton: Autumn
Gord Lawton: Fall colours on the Maitland River
Gord Lawton: Stumped
Gord Lawton: Monarch Butterfly