@vitormarinho: Street chat
@vitormarinho: Sidewalk market
@vitormarinho: Guarani Cacique joins march against police brutality
@vitormarinho: "Only struggle changes life"
@vitormarinho: Money over education
@vitormarinho: Mason
@vitormarinho: El soldado
@vitormarinho: Indignation
sergiophography1324: I kinda like it..
Fotograbya: Standby
Lucasmirandafotografia: Ana | Sorriso
@vitormarinho: Friendly neighborhood
@vitormarinho: "SOS (free public) education"
@vitormarinho: Focus
@vitormarinho: Andréa
@vitormarinho: Art expo
@vitormarinho: Family of three
@vitormarinho: Guarani girl from Aldeia Morro dos Cavalos
@vitormarinho: Evening snack and coffee
@vitormarinho: Street vendor
sergiophography1324: We were born to die