Jesús 56: Dàlies. Dahlias. Dalias.
kathyliu1990: The superme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. - Victor Hugo
kathyliu1990: Love cures people both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.
kathyliu1990: Some flower could not be kept In captivity, because they belong to the sunshine.
kathyliu1990: Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark, follow the lights, then you can find tomorrow.
Jesús 56: Cambria hibrid.
kathyliu1990: "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, because they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blosson."
kathyliu1990: The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. - victor hugo
kathyliu1990: 20160829_120801-01
Jesús 56: Clematis
kathyliu1990: Use your beauty to change my garden
Mr. Shiro: DSC_4758
kathyliu1990: “By plucking her petals; you do not gather the beauty of the flower.“
totalcontrol9: Papaver orientale
Jesús 56: Cattleya Blue Velvet 'Surprise' SM/JOGA (Kazuko Takamatsu x Mini Purple)
totalcontrol9: _DSC_Drawntogether_0034
totalcontrol9: _DSC_Inceptual_003
totalcontrol9: DSC_Floral_01
kathyliu1990: Ues your beauty to change my garden
kathyliu1990: Use your beauty to change my garden
kathyliu1990: Open for you, my sunshine
Jesús 56: Cala. Calla lily. (zantedeschia)
totalcontrol9: Anemone coronaria
kathyliu1990: 20160719_164708-01
totalcontrol9: Anemone
totalcontrol9: Lilium cappuccino
Jesús 56: Gymnocalycium sp.
kathyliu1990: If you do not leave me, i will...
kathyliu1990: "Everything comes full circle."
kathyliu1990: "Don't linger to gether flowers to keep them. but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way. "