Studio d'Xavier: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Studio d'Xavier: Lamb Chop submitted a vote of "No Confidence" towards her adoptive father
The Lady Loon: 217_365 - Baylee and Me
alourikat: Verdie expresses displeasure at the neglect of his 100 possibilities
CranstonYordstorm: Everytime it rains, it rains Lindens from Heaven. monday meme.
CranstonYordstorm: Tuesdays with Chester 4/08/2014 Shaylin and I take a sail with Chester in our home of Second Norway in Second Life.
CranstonYordstorm: Tuesdays with Chester - 04/01/2014
Mommymagpie: 68-365
Nikki-Dee: 241/365 - FDT with friends
TheAmazingShrinkingMan: Day 241 of 366
Joyce Latham: Self portrait 365/ 202/ For We're Here- Tuesdays with Tacos
::pascal::: SP 70/365 "Finding Nemo"
VanessaisSleeping: 68 - Typical late night
::pascal::: SP 56/365 "Geek"
~dgies: Tuesdays With Korean Tacos
ApplesInMyBra: Tuesdays with Basil
It's life Jim....: “Insecurity is just something that's there all the time. I've never been crippled by it.” ~ Catherine Keener
hentismith: My biggest fan :)
CassiePawpads: 365 ~ Day 140 ~ Teddy Boy
Sleepy Robot 13: I luv u taco!
Lynn Carson Harris: happy together
amber e/ Love Nest: Tuesdays with Taco #?
Leviticus Web: Taco Tusday #12 - A New Hope О_о
Jacob...K: Me and Little Satan in front of the White House
Macquillage of Curiosity: all dolled up and......OH WE'RE GOIN
DeepFriedBacon: Space Monkey, Hunter! No Peeking!
Jacob...K: Murder in the Mountains: A Smokey Mountain Christmas Story
Lynn Carson Harris: 8. cookie baking