ღMayuღ: You still never said good bye to me
A. Walden: One Misty Morning
Isa Barcellos: quem me navega é o mar.
Isa Barcellos: um dia eu sonhei com cores...
Mariann Nikolaisen: and then the sun
holgagirl: Aqua Bella
tersiiska: once you were only a dream...
Isa Barcellos: passos molhados.
©arlein: ballad
©arlein: the promise: every word he said proved a lie
©arlein: the promise
laiiis: loves me,
Isa Barcellos: passagem.
Morgana Nagorski: Dance Me To The End Of Love II
Morgana Nagorski: Dance Me To The End Of Love
justk photography: kisses cold as the moon
deangeli.federica: viaggio di ritorno.fotodall'auto-02
Isa Barcellos: sobre o inexplicável.
BLACK EYED SUZY: Hovering Reflection
Gabriel Voyager: Fog River
srqpix: Draping
justk photography: books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own
Isa Barcellos: uma solidão de sorrisos.
Isa Barcellos: Segredo.
Isa Barcellos: vermelha.
justk photography: to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides
lady_of_theflowers: CONTRATIEMPO
Mariann Nikolaisen: what's left behind