lifeinmyzoo: Saison Four Months
lifeinmyzoo: Saison 12 weeksa
lifeinmyzoo: Saison 12 weeksa
lifeinmyzoo: Saison 12 weeksa
lifeinmyzoo: Saison at 8 weeeks
lifeinmyzoo: Saison at 8 weeeks
lifeinmyzoo: Saison at 8 weeeks
Laertes: He Likes His Stick
Laertes: DaddyDog
Laertes: Oz - three months
Laertes: A Teaching Moment
Laertes: Neighborhood Observer
Laertes: Oz in the Morning
Laertes: Oz
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf and Gnome Revisited
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf - 16 Weeks
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf at 15 Weeks
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf 14 Weeks
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf and Ollie
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf and Sookie
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf and Gargoyle
La Dee Dolly: Gandalf at 9 Weeks
lifeinmyzoo: one of his kind
SeattleMaven: WHAT did you say?
SeattleMaven: Bartlett & Mt Rainier