Studio d'Xavier: An Unusual Encounter at the Hardware Store
Studio d'Xavier: An Encounter with a Red Legged Mergatron
Studio d'Xavier: The Flying Saucer that Crashed in my Philodendron
Studio d'Xavier: An Artist's Sketch of what Caleb saw at Taco Bell at 2AM
Studio d'Xavier: This Time Caleb was Ready for the Green Spacemen
Studio d'Xavier: The Little Creatures that Crash Landed in my Garden
Studio d'Xavier: The Night his Little Green Neighbors took Cletus' Hat and gave him a Singing Cat Named Seymour
Studio d'Xavier: The Shiny Thing that Crash Landed in the Garden Early this Morning
Studio d'Xavier: When Extraterrestrials Land on Your Wall
thart2009: split personality
Studio d'Xavier: They Abducted Elsie to Help Them Learn to Play an Unfamiliar Game, but Elsie was of No Use.
Studio d'Xavier: A Japanese King Crab Watching a Crystal Ball Under the Sea
thart2009: Futuro Home. Milton, DE.
Studio d'Xavier: 14 Days Until Christmas
EdZiomek: Review of NASA's "Case of the Martian Boulder Piles"
EdZiomek: Marlene Dietrich on Mars: Anomaly from NASA, Deciphered painfully!
EdZiomek: Colossal Portraiture on the face of Mars
Studio d'Xavier: A Robot's Sad Failure at Caustics
Studio d'Xavier: The Tralfamadorian knew his arrest was only temporary
thart2009: Summer in the City.
ja4nice: T-Event
ja4nice: AtpsisAftr
Studio d'Xavier: Hangar 511G
thart2009: Space Program
Studio d'Xavier: Their Optometrist was Flummoxed
V and the Bats: Alien Earth
Studio d'Xavier: Leopold and Lucille Latimer were Longtime Listeners to Extraterrestrial Life
Studio d'Xavier: Intergalactic Bounty Hunter
Studio d'Xavier: Alien Encounter and Taxidermy : A Science Fair Scandal at Manigotapi Middle School, Manigotapi Mississippi