spakodotlu: take a break once in a while
spakodotlu: TITAN vs TITAN
spakodotlu: the frog's view
spakodotlu: je m'en vais et vous?
Alex Hoffmaister: Window shopping 17
Gaga℘i✗: Kierchberg
Gaga℘i✗: Light
Gaga℘i✗: Grasshoper
Gaga℘i✗: the room of those who care
gtaddei1 (ex gtaddei): Macedonian reality_I0G7315 bw
Mario Feierstein: Walking Alone
Mario Feierstein: Time to Move On
Gaga℘i✗: Justice
Gaga℘i✗: Cour de justice de l'Union européenne
Alex Hoffmaister: Undecided voter
Alex Hoffmaister: Street scene 36
Alex Hoffmaister: Window shopping 19
Alex Hoffmaister: The stare 60
Mario Feierstein: Life on the Beach
Mario Feierstein: THE Storm
Alex Hoffmaister: Window shopping 13
Marisa y Angel: Por un tubo se fue
Alex Hoffmaister: Street scene 25
Alex Hoffmaister: My dog 21
Mario Feierstein: Cemetery Meysembourg