STML: Hullo Drunk House Fella
thetravelclef: Chubby nose and uneven eyes 29 November, 12.52
robertogreco: Tiles placed for no other reason than for me to see gritted-teethed, mustachioed little fella?
robertogreco: Tiles placed for no other reason than for me to see gritted-teethed, mustachioed little fella's buddy who's sporting a botched mustache trim?
thetravelclef: Bowl Haircut
STML: Hello Portuguese Building Fella
STML: Sharrrrrrd
thetravelclef: Crying Face with Bad Hair 28 March, 18.06
Kevan: Bored Air Vent Fellas
Kevan: The North Face
STML: Arch Fella
STML: Hello Little Building Owl Fella
minor9th: Truly terrifying big fella 02 July, 20.40
STML: Washed-out Fella
STML: Noses
hugovk: o_O
STML: Fella
foe: Hello massive fella
Abscond: Hello Big Fella
dreamyshade: P1050312
Tom T: Hello Massive Thick Eyebrow'd Tower Bridge Fella!
Tom T: P1020844
dreamyshade: P1020090
STML: Zona Rosa Fella
gcbb: Hello winter Bender!
foe: Pious fella on St Alfege's church
foe: Massive Fella hiding out near silicon roundabout