DaveSPN: Who Goes There
crousg: Osprey in flight.
mrm27: Common Buzzard (buteo buteo)
DaveSPN: Old Mate
crousg: Osprey with catch.
dubrick321: Take-off of the great horned owl
mrm27: Common Kestrel (falco tinnunculus)
DaveSPN: Up And Away
Diggerthedog99: Observe and reflect and become a little wiser every day
DaveSPN: Friday Flashback
DaveSPN: Regal
DaveSPN: Cheeky
DaveSPN: Incoming
crousg: Red Tail Hawk.
DaveSPN: Overhead
Kishan's photography: Close up of Grey Heron - Lake Naivasha - Kenya
DaveSPN: Eye On The Prey
mrm27: Short-eared Owl (asio flammeus)
mrm27: Short-eared Owl (asio flammeus)
Kishan's photography: African Fish Eagle - Lake Naivasha - Kenya
Loïc Le Comte: Buse variable - Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) - Genas - Les Bouvarets (Rhône) France, le 13 janvier 2022
markmolloy1967: The King
Diggerthedog99: Life is about balance
DaveSPN: In Passing
DaveSPN: Terrorising The Hood
Each Moment the Universe: Illuminated Black Vulture