Chr1is76: Through the mist, B&W edit
Chr1is76: Through the Mist.
Chr1is76: Thanks for the memories
mogurke: Scout's bottle
Speidermuseet: JOTA på 1970-tallet
heine robstad: Randøya august 16-1-7
Tristan Roebersen: Reading Sun,
Speidermuseet: Leirledelsen slapper av KFUK 1921 SAND
Tristan Roebersen: Cuteness Overkill,
Tristan Roebersen: Walking Away,
Tristan Roebersen: They see me Rolling!
Tristan Roebersen: Oostendorper Watermolen,
Tristan Roebersen: Look at me!
Tristan Roebersen: Small Beard?
Tristan Roebersen: Climb to the Top!
Tristan Roebersen: Trust the Rope,
Tristan Roebersen: Walking Down the Road,
Tristan Roebersen: Christmass Dinner,
viktoriakrapic: Like 70s
viktoriakrapic: Scoutball
viktoriakrapic: Wintering
viktoriakrapic: Preparing for rafting
viktoriakrapic: Campfire
viktoriakrapic: Scout camp
Tristan Roebersen: Gotta Catch Em All!
Tristan Roebersen: Are you Ready?