ClintHeeeerod: Azalea Buds
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 日本庭園 躑躅 雅 Azalea - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市048
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 日本庭園 躑躅 雅 Azalea - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市052
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 日本庭園 躑躅 Azalea - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 日本庭園 / Japanese Graden - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市000
greg_brandenburg: DSCF0018.JPG
greg_brandenburg: DSCF0019.JPG
greg_brandenburg: DSCF0020.JPG
colorblindPICASO: Sarah imagines what it must be like to be more than 4 feet tall... feet touching the ground and all. She has such an active imagination!
ccaroland: Tyler Azalea Trail 2009_025
ccaroland: Tyler Azalea 2009_001
ccaroland: Tyler Azalea Trail 2009_001
StevenM_61: Garden in Springtime, Tyler, Texas
StevenM_61: Spring yards, Tyler, Texas
StevenM_61: Azalea-lined House, Tyler, Texas
StevenM_61: Dogwood in Bloom, Tyler, Texas
StevenM_61: Neighborhood in Spring, Tyler, Texas
StevenM_61: Large House, Tyler, Texas
StevenM_61: House in spring, Tyler, Texas
colorblindPICASO: Already bored with modeling, Sarah's mind wonders and she starts imagining a team of surveillance transformers whose alternate mode is an azalea bush.
colorblindPICASO: Now she's done it, she's either fatally wounded the transformer or picked a petal off someone's flower bush. Either way it's probably time to find a new location.
colorblindPICASO: OK, we are going to pretend she's laughing at a funny joke I just told... NOT because she just got a close-up view of my nose!
colorblindPICASO: One day I was walking through a garden, and there growing on a little bush was my Sarah. In full bloom with love and joy. If only I could find that garden again... to take her back! Who knew she would sting?!?