Diney Pau: Waste Warrior
Glen Bledsoe: Woe is Us! We Are Cursed by the Blight of Automobiles!
Diney Pau: Creation
Glen Bledsoe: The ICE Age - When Pick Ups Ruled the Earth
Diney Pau: Ghost in the machine
Glen Bledsoe: Extinct Automosaurus Washed Up on Beach
Glen Bledsoe: If you're company is only trying to make a profit for shareholders, then your product isn’t worth buying
Glen Bledsoe: A Romantic Moment
Glen Bledsoe: "If you’re not trying to make the world a better place then go sit down and get out of the way."
Diney Pau: Deforestation
Glen Bledsoe: The Four Pickups of the Apocalypse
Diney Pau: In Englands green & pleasant Land?
Glen Bledsoe: "I know it's only an increase of 1.5° C, but I can't help feeling doomed, Albert!"
Diney Pau: humans have put many migratory species in a perilous state.
Diney Pau: I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world
Diney Pau: Wildfires and Climate Change
Diney Pau: Rainbow Slicks
Glen Bledsoe: Keep it simple: bike
Glen Bledsoe: Pizza Harvesters Watch with Interest as a Tornado Approaches
Glen Bledsoe: Seems like every time hem-lines go down sea level goes up.
Glen Bledsoe: Fun Fact: Humans Share 50% of Their DNA with Trees
Glen Bledsoe: Humans Adapt to their New World
Glen Bledsoe: "I don't know we pay taxes to build bike lanes. You never see anyone riding in them."
Glen Bledsoe: He Fixes Bikes
Glen Bledsoe: Flood Fashions
Glen Bledsoe: "You've Come at a Bad Time. I'm afraid the Master is Not in Just Now."
Glen Bledsoe: Billionaires Just Don't Get It
Glen Bledsoe: Acclerationism -- The Religion of Billionaires
Glen Bledsoe: If You Don't Buy It, They Won't Drill It
Glen Bledsoe: COP28: A Global Suicide Note