doustpauline of > \whatwhenwhere/ <all behind.: back tracking first l albumn/ whatwhenwhere 018
rekkidbraka: here kitty, kitty...
luli ~~: LULI 16
hobbit5153...: Ginger...My childhood dog...
cox-on-the-box - art, clay, cats, veg: Snowy and Barney cuddling up
whatchumean: christmas kisses
whatchumean: let me read u a story
FroggiesCanFly: Spooky 1987
whatchumean: marvin 1987
whatchumean: pure, unconditional love
whatchumean: best bros
whatchumean: best bros x 2
whatchumean: a boy + his dog + his mohawk
cox-on-the-box - art, clay, cats, veg: polo's kittens (circa 1979?)
FroggiesCanFly: snowflake in a box
FroggiesCanFly: snowflake 4-03
FroggiesCanFly: yaya snowflake & quincy
FroggiesCanFly: yaya&quincy
FroggiesCanFly: all the kitties 1994
FroggiesCanFly: me and snowflake 4-04
FroggiesCanFly: quincy in the sink
FroggiesCanFly: snowflake 3-31-04
FroggiesCanFly: snowflake 2-04