niloc's pic's: Holly Blue Butterfly
niloc's pic's: Holly Blue Butterfly
andrewsloan1964: Duck of burgundy
Henry Lowth: Bruised and battered brimstone - Snitterfield bushes
sdflickr2: (R8) Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) ♂
sdflickr2: (R8) Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) ♀
sdflickr2: (R8) Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) ♀
sdflickr2: (R8) Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines) ♂
sdflickr2: (R8) Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines) ♂
sdflickr2: (R8) Green-veined White (Pieris napi) ♀
Baffledmostly: 277d_125
brianwaller703: Green Hairstreak
Cosper Wosper: Heath Fritillary ~ Melitaea athalia
angus7d: Holly blue
brianwaller703: Duke of Burgandy
Wild Photography!: Green Hairstreak
ChristianMoss: Brimstone ovipositing on alder buckthorn
tamlaras: Orange-tip
andrewsloan1964: Duke of burgundy
ChristianMoss: Brimstone.
jmc-223: Peacock
Severnrover: White-Letter Hairstreak Caterpillar
Ian West 1958: Blue and Green should always be seen!
ian ok: Female Orange-tip
festoon1: Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) male.
jenny*jones: Orange Tip (m)
margaretc1946: Holly Blue on Iris 1 - Celastrina argiolus
margaretc1946: Holly Blue on Iris 2 - Celastrina argiolus
margaretc1946: Holly Blue on Iris 3 - Celastrina argiolus
Baffledmostly: Green Hairstreak on Blaeberry - 297e_126