Arthur de Souza: IMG_5167
Arthur de Souza: Shark limon ! Brzil,island, Fernando de Noronha
Arthur de Souza: ART_1783
Arthur de Souza: 17072014ART_1506u-Arthurdesouza_1
Arthur de Souza: 17072014ART_2t158-Arthurdesouza
eternal.tree.: yearning
*L: de agosto
*L: onda
augusto rosa: far·ther or fur·ther
augusto rosa: performance
eternal.tree: neibours
tvc415: A Quiet Life
carlos pataca: dutch mountains (near the sea)
Gil Walker: traced in sand
augusto rosa: old day
augusto rosa: sepia (earth)
laatideon: blue 6/10s
andantes: double existence
andantes: sobre bordas, margens, limites
*L: na praia grande
tvc415: Stories from the Sea
augusto rosa: almost the same
foto.phrend: life's a beach
gregjack!: tide away
**ALDO: Praia do Diabo - Arpoador
augusto rosa: wishful thinking........................
augusto rosa: wishful thinking..................................