ucumari photography: Shark! Oh wait... it's a polar bear
ucumari photography: Hanging out with Anana
nehall: Bear Pause
ucumari photography: Nikita swimming by to say hello
ucumari photography: Anana says "Go GREEN"
Fruehlingsstern: Eisbären Hertha und Tonja im Tierpark Berlin 22.06.2019 100
Hanjosan: Polar Bear
ucumari photography: Good catch Nikita
vickiebutner1961: Polar Bear
ucumari photography: snuggle bears
ucumari photography: Today is...
ucumari photography: moment of peace
ucumari photography: How far can a polar bear swim?
ucumari photography: Happy New Year!
ucumari photography: Sitting, waiting, and watching
ucumari photography: "Happy Monday"
ucumari photography: open wide
ucumari photography: pure pleasure
ucumari photography: Nikita the Buddha bear
ucumari photography: How do you cool off during a hot summer day?
ucumari photography: Hello my Friend
ucumari photography: portrait pretty
ucumari photography: It's been a while
ucumari photography: "Can't get enough of your love baby"
ucumari photography: snuggle bunnies