josedoli28: abandon
josedoli28: barns
josedoli28: barns
Porch Dog: Old House_0335E
Porch Dog: Old Barns_0337E
Porch Dog: Old Barn_0338E
Porch Dog: Barn-Lyon County Kentucky_0305
josedoli28: DSC_6649
palmerb16: Old Barn in Western Ky.
palmerb16: Down on the farm.
palmerb16: Ye, Old Red Barn.
josedoli28: old time
palmerb16: Country barn.
palmerb16: About to fall down?
palmerb16: Horse pasture.
palmerb16: Just a old barn.
palmerb16: Country barn.
palmerb16: Another old barn in rural Kentucky.
palmerb16: Barn on a hill.
palmerb16: Barn at the end of the lane.
palmerb16: "Will the old barn survive another storm"
palmerb16: Old barn in farm country.
palmerb16: Old barn.
Porch Dog: Barn_9331
Porch Dog: Barn_9323e
Porch Dog: Barn_9297e
Porch Dog: Barn_9296
Porch Dog: Barn_9288e
Porch Dog: Barn_9294e
Porch Dog: Barn_9325