tina negus: Waiting for chips
tina negus: A trio of fulmars
johndal: Waxwing
johndal: Chantry Kingfisher
JJArcher: Flying Jewel
tina negus: Fulmar greeting
tina negus: Reed Bunting song
johndal: Druridge Spoonbills
tina negus: A good catch!
johndal: Egret holidaying at Druridge
johndal: Wansbeck Little Grebe
Darren36: Lesser Grey Shrike
johndal: Stonechat
Darren36: Sanderling 2
johndal: Fieldfare
Darren36: Glossy Ibis
Darren36: Meadow Pipit
42jph: Goldcrest 1 of 2
johndal: Where's it gone?
Hazza D: Sanderling (Calidris alba)
johndal: Juvenile Shag
johndal: I'm sure I had a nest here..
johndal: The Morpeth Heron
johndal: Lapwing
Hazza D: Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Hazza D: Goosander (Mergus merganser)
Hazza D: Wigeon (Anas penelope)
Hazza D: Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)