Jim «JP» Hansen: What big wheels you have…
Jim «JP» Hansen: iPhoto Faces wants to know…
Chris Devers: Some jokes never get old.
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face" confirmation/rejection screen (1 of 2)
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face" confirmation/rejection screen (2 of 2)
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Big Ben, Westminster, London
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", O2 Millenium Dome, London, UK
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", barrel logo in horse track, Norwell MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", branches on the tree line, Hanover MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Jaguar, Franklin Park Zoo, Boston MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Warthog's straw bed, Franklin Park Zoo, Boston MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Siberian white Tiger (ear), Franklin Park Zoo, Boston MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Jaguar, Franklin Park Zoo, Boston MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Jaguar, Stone Zoo, Boston MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Green line causeway & Zakim Bridge at night, Boston MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Bunker Hill monument, Charlestown MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", old Jaguar E-Types, Brighton MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Groucho Marx glasses
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Millenium Falcon
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Mr Bill bendy toy
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Chrysler logo
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Zakim Bridge pre-opening scene
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", nutrition label on Trader Joe's bread rolls